Thursday, May 13, 2010

Morning devotions were from I Cor 12 on each of us in the body of Christ having a different role to play and each role being important.
The men ran a little short of materials today and the plastic fuel pump on the generator broke and needed repair. Grant suggested JB Weld. It did the trick. They completed the vertical spindles for the hand rail on one side and laid down the deck – all but a board and a half.

The women cleaned bathrooms and cabins. We are having dinner together tonight – Chicken Enchiladas.

We are off for 3 days! I get to sleep in tomorrow. No 6:30AM alarm tomorrow… YEAH!!!


  1. the bridge looks really good! It looks like you guys are going to get it done next week.

  2. Wow, what a bridge. This will outlast all of us. make sure to enscribe your name somewhere so we can point to it when we take Morgan up there.
