Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quesnel BC and the Fraiser River

We drove from Williams Lake to Prince George today. We spent most of the day in Quesnel wandering around. We went to the Quesnel Museum. I got a picture of Grant pretending to pump gas from an antique gas pump into a White Motor Car. Apparently, the company is most famous for the trucks that it produced later. The town is sort of a peninsula between the Frasier River and the Quesnel River. The town has a River Walk which we took. The Frasier River is a big river. On the River Walk were some pieces of antique equipment like a water wheel and pump and a steam donkey excavator. Grant took a pretty picture of the Frasier River through a Cottonwood Tree. There was also a Crafts Fair in town. We wandered through, but resisted the temptation to buy. The town’s fire hydrants are painted to resemble different tradesmen and women. Grant took a liking to photographing them. He got 6 out of the 23. One thing I have noticed in BC is there are flowers and huge flower baskets everywhere. I had to have a picture of some of them. On the way out of town, I had to get a picture of Grant with the huge gold pan. He needed it to go with the huge skies from 100 Mile House. He needed the big gold pan to hold the gigantic gold nugget he plans to find. However, he pointed out to me that at the mining museum, all he found was fools gold.

Off to Dawson Creek, near the border with Alberta, tomorrow…


  1. wow - everything just is bigger. the lamp posts, the flower baskets, the gold pans ...

  2. You two are sure looking good. How far have you gone and how far do you have to go?
