Tuesday, July 13, 2010

North to Alaska

We are off and away at last. Our destination is Soldotna, Alaska. We were planning to leave on July 10th, but apparently the truck had other ideas. It spent a week in the shop getting it's frozen spark plugs changed. Well better at home than on the road.

We left Kristin's house at 6:45AM. We were advised that we needed to stop at a restaurant called "Heaven on Earth" at Exit 86 on Interstate 5 in Azalea, Oregon for their famous cinnamon rolls. I have included a picture of Grant taking a bite.

We spent the night in Seven Rivers RV Camp in Canyonville, Oregon.  I thought you might like to see a picture of our rig.


  1. That is a monster Cinnamon Roll! Now I think we all need to know if it tastes as good as it looks! Of course, I'm sure it can never be as good as your homemade ones :)

  2. Holy cow, that's one big chunk of goodness. Guess the whole family could have breakfast on that and then some!

    God bless you guys. Funny thing though, I was just getting ready to write an e-mail (I know I'm bad at keeping in touch) to update you but will save that for later.

    No buyer yet...we will be keeping you in our prayers and wish you God's special protection and blessings.

    Rob and Carol

  3. Rog wants to have a bite or two of Grant's sweet treat....:O) YUMMO! Glad you folks are on your way safely. We are looking forward to reading about your gifst of service in Alaska. Hugs to both and we miss ya!

    Rog and Connie

  4. Oh My!!!! Now that is one huge cinnamon roll!
