Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Morning devotions were on Jesus healing the paralytic and stating that his sins were forgiven before healing him. At that time, the average person, even those that believed, thought they had no chance of going to heaven. They were aware that they were sinners, but thought, because of the Pharisees teaching, that there was no hope for them. They thought they couldn’t do enough to become righteous and be saved. Because of Christ’s work, we often take our sinful nature and need for confession and repentance too casually.

Today was a beautiful day, in the low 70’s. It was the first warm day we have had. The men worked on the base for the hand rail and the stringers for the steps. The women worked in the office on name tags, mailbox labels, and a picture wall for the summer staff. The picture wall consisted of wacky pictures of the staff, attached to colored paper puzzle pieces. It was lots of fun.

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